3. Partition

In Fast DDS, Partitions can be used to group subscribers and publishers. If a publisher with a partition is deployed, only the subscriber with the same partition will receive data from it. In this demo, there are four partitions (A, B, C and D). Additionally, you can select the * partition, which refers to all partitions. Please refer to Fast DDS Partitions Documentation for more information on partitions.

In this test, three publishers (Square in Partition A, Circle in Partition B, and Triangle in Partition *), and three subscribers per instance, all of them in Partition A, will be created. Finally, red squares and black triangles in Partition A are set. Therefore, all instances are able to find triangles and squares. However, orange circles are published in partition B and they are only visible in the Instance2.

3.1. Step-by-step example implementation

First, we must create three publishers.

  1. Create a red square publisher:

    • Start eProsima Shapes Demo (this instance will be referred to as Instance1).

    • Click on Publish.

    • Select SQUARE option for Shape and RED for Color.

    • Change the History field from 6 to 1.

    • Check Partition A.

  2. Create an orange circle publisher:

    • Start eProsima Shapes Demo (this instance will be referred to as Instance2).

    • Click on Publish.

    • Select CIRCLE option for Shape and ORANGE for Color.

    • Change the History field from 6 to 1.

    • Check Partition B.

  3. Create a black triangle publisher:

    • Start eProsima Shapes Demo (this instance will be referred to as Instance3).

    • Click on Publish.

    • Select TRIANGLE option for Shape and BLACK for Color.

    • Change the History field from 6 to 1.

    • Check Partition *.

Instance1 will publish red squares in the partition A, Instance2 will publish orange circles in the partition B, and Instance3 will publish black triangles in all partitions.

Initial state

Then, create three subscribers per Instance with the following characteristics.



History (Reliable)





1 (ON)





1 (ON)





1 (ON)



publisher configuration